Soulmask Remote Console Commands

Soulmask supports remote console commands via Telnet or RCON. To learn how to configure and access a remote console, see the Dedicated Server Guide.

Command List

A list of available remote console commands. Note that some normal console commands may also work over remote console, but most normal commands fail to run.

Command Aliases Parameters Description
BackupDatabase 5
InNewDBName [string] Writes the world save to a file using the given file name. Run SaveWorld 0 first to ensure a recent world state is written.
BackupDatabaseByHour 6
Writes the world save to a file using the current date and time as a file name. Run SaveWorld 0 first to ensure a recent world state is written.
CreateItemForPlayer 34
InOpPlayer [string]
ItemClass [string]
Nums [int]
Quality [int]
Create an item in the inventory of the player specified by their Steam ID.

The syntax is similar to the in-game console command AddDaoJuByClass, which is documented in more detail on the Items page. But there are some differences.
  1. InOpPlayer: The Steam ID of the player to spawn the NPC for
  2. ItemClass: The full path to the blueprint for the item to create. You can search for these paths using the List_AllItemClass command.
  3. Nums: How many of the item to create.
  4. Quality: The quality level of the created items (0-5)
CreateSpecifiedMan 22
InPlayer [string]
CreateNo [int]
Sex [int]
Spawns a preconfigured NPC in front of the player specified by their Steam ID. The spawned NPC will be owned by the player. Similar to the in-game console command CreateSpecifiedMan. See NPCs for more details.
CreateSpecifiedMan_ByConfig InOpPlayer [string]
Key [string]
CreateSWByClass 23
SelectedPlayerAccount [string]
CreatureClass [string]
IsBaby [bool]
DengJi [int]
Num [int]
PinZhi [int]
Spawn an npc in front of the player specified by their Steam ID. The npc will be owned by the player. As such, only things which can normally be owned by palyers are allowed, like mounts.

The syntax is similar to the in-game console command CreateSWByClass, which is documented in more detail on the NPCs page. But there are some differences.
  1. SelectedPlayerAccount: The Steam ID of the player to spawn the NPC for
  2. CreatureClass: The full path to the blueprint for the creature to spawn. You can search for these paths using the List_AllNPCClass command.
  3. IsBaby: 0 to spawn an adult version of the creature or 1 to spawn a baby.
  4. DengJi: The level of the spawned creature.
  5. Num: The number of creatures to spawn.
  6. PinZhi: The quality level of the spawned creature (0-5)
Disconnect 0
Disconnect from the server.
DrawActorImage 8
ActorType [int] Outputs an image to WS/Saved that visualizes the locations of all instances of a specific type of actor. Details below in the Actor Types section.
DrawGrids 13
Outputs an image to WS/Saved that visualizes a grid. The meaning of the grid is unknown.
Dump_AllActorPositions 7
Dumps actor positions to the file WS/Saved/ACTOR_POSI_DATA.log. The file organizes actors by type. Details below in the Actor Types section.
DumpGzImg ObjType [int]
FlyMode 24
InPlayer [string]
NMode [int]
Sets whether the player specified by their Steam ID is in ghost mode or not. Similar to the in-game GhostMode command. Pass 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
GotoPostion 20
InOpPlayer [string]
InX [float]
InY [float]
InZ [float]
Teleport the player specified by their Steam ID to the specified location.
GotoTarget 21
InOpPlayer [string]
InTarget [string]
Teleport the player specified by their Steam ID to a target character. The target can be a player specified by Steam ID or a pawn specified by UID.
IncGameSeconds Slice [int] Increases the "uptime" counter for the server by the specified number of seconds. Negative values will decrease the timer. Passing 0 will allow you to see the current timer without affecting it.

It is not currently known what this affects, maybe the timing of auto backup files?
List_AllItemClass 33
SubName [string] Specify a full or partial name of an item, such as Bow, to get a list of matching item classes.
List_AllNPCClass 19
NameSubStr [string] Specify a full or partial name of an NPC type, such as Alpaca, to get a list of matching NPC classes.
List_AllPlayers 15
Lists information about all players who have accounts on the server.
List_AllProficiency Lists all proficiency types (values of the EProficiency enum).
List_AllTalent 35
TelentLevel [int] Lists all natural gifts (innate talents) of the specified level (1-3). Passing 0 for the level will list talents of all levels. Includes their ID, name and description.
List_GuildObjs 18
InOpGuild [string] Lists the name and UID of all NPCs owned by the specified tribe. The tribe can be specified by name or UID.
List_Guilds 17
Lists the names and UIDs of all tribes on the server.
List_OnlinePlayers 14
Lists players currently connected to the server.
List_SameBelongingObjs 16
InOpPlayer [string] Lists the name and UID of NPCs owned by the specified character. The character can be a player specified by Steam ID or a pawn specified by UID.
List_ServerPermissionList 30
Lists information about server permission lists.
QueryGridCount 12
Prints a count. Likely related to the DrawGrids command, but the purpose is unknown.
QueryInvitationCode 9
Prints the server’s invitation code which can be given to players as a means of finding the server.
SaveAndExit 2
AfterSeconds [int] Saves and shuts down the server after the specified number of seconds. If you specify 0, the timer will be set to 300 seconds. A message will be displayed on screen for all connected players informing them of the shutdown and counting down the time.
SaveAndExitWithCode CloseAfterSeconds [int]
ExitCode [int]
Prints a message in the server log about changing the exit code, but not sure what the effect is. The exit code of the process itself remains 0. Also proceeds to save and shut down the server the same as SaveAndExit.
SaveWorld 4
Force [int] Saves the world. The parameter controls whether to write the save to disk.
0: Only update the in-memory database. Follow up with a call to BackupDataBase world if you want to write to disk.
1: Save the world and also write the save to disk.

Note: At the time of this writing, passing 1 is broken and results in nothing happening.
SayToSystemChannel 36
Content [string] Sends a system chat message to everyone on the server.
ServerFPS 10
Prints the average value of the server tick rate from a short period of time.
ServerLoginStatus 11
Pause [int] According to the help, passing 0 will prohibit players from logging in and passing 1 will allow logins.

However, when testing, this command had no effect. Players could log in regardless.
Set_Coefficient 26
ItemName [string]
Val [float]
Sets the specified gameplay setting to the specified value. See Gameplay Settings for a list of available settings. This command expects the codename of the setting, not the display name.
Set_OutputChats 31
bOutputTolog [bool] Sets whether chat messages will be recorded in the server log. Pass 1 to enable chat logging or 0 to disable it. The state of this setting will be saved in the world save so it will persist through server restarts, but will be reset if the server is wiped.
Set_ServerPermissionEnable 27
PermissionType [int]
bEnabled [int]
Enables or disables the server permission list specified by index. See Server Permissions for more information.
Set_ServerPermissionFlag 28
PermissionFlag [int] Sets the enabled state of all server permission lists using the specified bit mask. See Server Permissions for more information.
SetGameExitCode ExitCode [int] Prints a message in the server log about changing the exit code, but not sure what the effect is. The exit code of the process itself remains 0.
SetRCONSendMaxBytes Send_Size [int]
Show_Coefficient_Settings 25
ContainNames [string] Lists the values of all gameplay settings. Can optionally specify a full or partial name to only list values for matching settings.
ShowHelp 1
Prints information about several of the available commands.
StartAI Resumes NPC AI that has been paused using StopAI.

Note: "run command failed" prints in the console, but the command works anyway.
StopAI Pauses all NPC AI on the server. All AI controlled units will just stand in place and do nothing while paused. This includes enemy units no longer fighting players.

Note: "run command failed" prints in the console, but the command works anyway.
StopCloseServer 3
Cancels a pending server shutdown that was initiated with SaveAndExit, as long as the timer has not yet elapsed.

Warning: While this command does cancel the shutdown, it does not remove the timer that displays in-game. Also, future calls to SaveAndExit after the timer has disappeared will no longer show a timer in game.
Update_RconClientAddress bAddOrRemove [int]
Adds (1) or removes (0) an IP address from the list of addresses which are allowed to connect to the server's RCON. Changes made by this command will be lost on server restart. If you want to permanently modify the allow list, you can edit your Engine.ini as described in the "Server Configuration" - "RCON Access" section of the Dedicated Server Guide.
Update_ServerPermissionList 29
PermissionType [int]
bRemoveOrAdd [int]
Data [string]
Adds or removes an item from a server permission list specified by index. See Server Permissions for more information.

Actor Types

Some commands reference actor types. This section explains those commands and lists available actor types.



This command dumps the positions of all actors from each of the actor types to a text file at WS/Saved/ACTOR_POSI_DATA.log. Within the file, actors are grouped by actor type with sections labeled "EAT_Type" where "Type" is replaced with a type from the table below. For example, "EAT_PlayerStates".


DrawActorImage ActorType[int]

This command outputs an image to WS/Saved that visualizes the locations of all instances of a specific type of actor.

The size of the image is 2620x2620. The center 1024x1024 area of the image aligns with the world map. The image is grayscale with a black background, and each actor position is colored using a 50% opacity white pixel. When multiple actors are close enough together to end up in the same pixel, the opacity of the pixel will increase each time.

The command parameter specifies an index for the type of actor you want to visualize locations of. Valid indices are described in the table below.

Actor Type List

The following tables lists all actor types defined by the game along with my own notes about each type.

Index Name Notes
0 CharacterBase All characters, including players and NPCs.
1 AwakeCharacters All characters that are not hibernating due to being out of range of any players. This is a good visualization of server load.
2 JianZhu All structures. This includes player built structures as well as any developer placed structures such as ruins, towns, etc.
3 AwakeJianZhu All structures that are not hibernating due to being out of range of any players. (Some specific structures never hibernate.)
4 PlayerControllers Player controller actors, one per player.
5 PlayerStates Player state actors, one per player.
6 FuHuoDian Resurrection points
7 ShuaGuaiQi Appears to be wild creatures.
8 JianZhuXZVolume
9 CharacterRenZhaoMu Players’ NPC tribesmen
10 PingTaiCharacter
11 YingHuo Player built bonfires
12 GouHuo Player built campfires
13 BaoXiang Loot boxes (unsure)
14 WenDuArea Center points of areas with atmospheric temperature modifiers.
15 MapBiaoJi
16 SiWangBao Player death bags
17 ShuaGuaiQiShengCheng NPC natural spawn points (unsure).
18 CharacterGuiShu
19 RongQi All actors that are considered containers for items (unsure).
20 QiXiDian Seems to be "rest points" for jaguars and snow leopards. Unsure what those are.
21 JiGuanActor "mechanisms"?
22 AwakeJiGuanActor Non-hibernating instances of JiGuanActor.
23 AwakeQiXiDian Non-hibernating instances of QiXiDian.
24 ZhiBeiGuanLiQi "Vegetation manager". Only one instance at the world origin.
25 ZuJi
26 ShiDuArea Center points of areas with persistent environmental effects.
27 JinZhiXiuMianActor Hibernation prevention actors. These are added using the command AddJinZhiXiuMianHere.
28 CharacterKeLong
29 GuiShuZuoQi Maybe crop plot locations?
30 ZhiBeiSaoMiaoActor
31 PianQuActor Claimed land areas (unsure)
32 BuLuoGLQ "Tribe manager". Only one instance at the world origin
33 BuLuoJiTan Altars
34 DisableZhuaBuArea "Disable capture area". Not sure what these actors do.
35 CharacterRenPanTao Might be locations of defected (run away) tribesmen (unsure).
36 PanTaoDian Appears to be locations somehow related to the process of a tribesman defecting. Maybe target locations they move to?
37 ZhiBeiJianQiTiShiActor