Soulmask Console Commands
This page lists all game-specific admin console commands and descriptions for the ones whose functionality has been figured out.
Note: Many general Unreal commands work in this game as well, but this document is focused on game-specific commands.
Most commands need to be prefixed with gm, after authenticating as an admin. Some may work without the prefix, but may give different results if you are running as a client. Others may only work without the gm prefix. If you are familiar with Unreal’s CheatManager, gm is the keyword configured to access it in Soulmask.
The console can be opened with either the grave key (`
) or the minus key on the number pad depending on your keyboard layout. To authenticate as an admin, you will need to enter the following console command, substituting in your admin password.
gm key adminPsw
If successful, the admin menu will open. You can close this menu at any time and will retain admin privileges. Subsequent commands can be entered into the same console.
When entering a command that takes parameters, only enter the value for each parameter, not the parameter name. For example, the command AddExp Value[int]
would be written like this to add 100 exp: gm AddExp 100
Common Terms
- Current player: The player who is running the command.
- Controlled character: The character the current player is controlling. May be the starting character or a mask-controlled tribesman.
- Selected character: The character selected using the
command. If no character is selected, the command will usually affect the controlled character instead. - Target: The character or object the current player’s camera is pointed directly at.
- Quality: The quality level of a character or item. There are 6 quality levels.
0 Common
1 Uncommon
2 Rare
3 Exceptional
4 Epic
5 Legendary
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all distance values are in Unreal units, which is approximately equal to centimeters.
Command List
The following table list all game-specific console commands.
Name and Description | Parameters | Details | Example |
DJClass [UHDaoJuBase] Num [int] DJPinZhi [int] Ui [guid] |
Add items to controlled character’s inventory. See Item page for more details. | This command is described in detail on the Item page. |
Value [int] | Add experience to the current player. This affects player level and awareness strength | gm AddExp 1000 |
Value [int] | Add experience to the targeted player-controlled character. | gm AddExpToTarget 1000 |
FashionID [int] | Unlocks the specified fashion for the current player. See fashion for more details. | This command is described in detail on the fashion page. |
AddGA Add gamplay ability |
GAName [string] TagName [string] |
Add the specified gameplay ability to the controlled character. Although the command succeeds, and you can see the ability listed after running ShowGA , I have not yet found a usefulness for this. |
GEName [string] | Add the specified gameplay effect to the controlled character. Although the command succeeds, and you can see the effect listed after running ShowGE , I have not yet found a usefulness for this. |
GEName [string] | Add the specified gameplay effect to the target character. | |
InTitle [int] | Add all hunting titles up to the specified level to the current player. Levels are 1-6. Cannot be undone. | gm AddHuntingTitle 2 |
Add an invisible actor at the controlled character’s location which prevents the surrounding area from hibernating. The radius of the area is 300 meters. These actors are not saved and will therefore be gone after a server restart. They can also be removed using the ClearallJinZhiXiuMian command. |
gm AddJinZhiXiuMianHere |
Value [int] | Add the specified amount of mask experience to the target player. | gm AddMaskExpToTarget 1000 |
Value [float] | Add the specified amount of mask experience to the current player. | gm AddMJExp 1000 |
NGId [int] bGood [bool] |
Add a natural gift to the selected character. See Natural Gifts for more details. | This command is described in detail on the Natural Gifts page. |
AddReDu Add invasion fever |
ReDuValue [float] | Increase the barbarian invasion fever by the specified amount. Invasions can trigger only after fever has reached 8,000,000. (Unknown whether this affects only the current character's tribe or all tribes.) | gm AddReDu 10000 |
InPermissionType [int] InSteamID [string] |
Add an entry to a server permission list. See Server Permissions for details. | This command is described in detail on the Server Permissions page. |
Value [float] | Add hunting experience to the current player. | gm AddShouLieExp 1000 |
WenShenIndex [int] | Teach the current player about a specific body paint. See Body Paint for details. | This command is described in detail on the Body Paint page. |
Param_Index [int] | Set a weapon mastery for the controlled character. See Weapon Mastery for details. | This command is described in detail on the Weapon Mastery page. |
Applies ownership information (tribe and player) from previously copied data to the target NPC. Must first use CopyViewActorGuiShu to copy data.NOTE: Use of this command is not recommended. Transferring ownership this way does not properly update the database to fully transfer everything. |
gm ApplyGuiShuToViewActor |
Start a save of the world on the server. This will update the database in memory and then save it to the world.db file on disk. This process can take anywhere from a few seconds to 30 seconds or more. | gm BaoCun |
Param_Index [int] | Equip one of the mask sets. Values at the time of testing were 1-7, but more may be added as more masks are added to the game. Passing 0 unequips the current mask set. | gm BianShen 3 |
Print the current player's Steam ID to the console. | gm ChaXunPSUniqueId |
SWClass [AHCharacterBase] | Find all wild NPCs of the specified class in the world and marks them on the current player’s map. See NPCs for more details. | This command is described in detail on the NPCs page. |
CheckBuLuo |
Unlock ALL achievements for the current player, both in-game and in Steam. Use with caution. | gm ChengJiu |
ChongGouJianZhuHookData |
Reset the current player's guidance to the beginning. | gm ChongZhiRenWu |
Remove all actors that have been added using the AddJinZhiXiuMianHere command. |
gm ClearAllJinZhiXiuMian |
Remove all non-player-owned NPCs from the world. They seem to respawn after only a couple minutes (faster than usual). | gm ClearAllNpc |
ClearAllReDu Clear invasion fever |
Set the barbarian invasion fever to 0. (Unknown whether this affects only the current character's tribe or all tribes.) | gm ClearAllReDu |
ClearJingJi |
ClearKongZhi |
Clear the selected character (which was selected using the Select command). |
gm ClearSelect |
InPermissionType [int] | Remove all entries from a server permission list. See Server Permissions for details. | This command is described in detail on the Server Permissions page. |
Makes a copy of the ownership information (tribe and player) from the targeted NPC. This information can then be applied to other NPCs using the command ApplyGuiShuToViewActor .If a copy is successful, you will see the IDs printed in the console output. If you copy an unowned NPC, the IDs will be 0, and applying that to an owned NPC will convert them to a wild NPC. |
gm CopyViewActorGuiShu |
Print some physics shape counts to the server log. | gm CountWorldSimulatingPhysics |
CreateNo [int] Sex [int] |
Spawn a preconfigured tribesman as a member of the current player’s clan. See NPCs for more details. | This command is described in detail on the NPCs page. |
SWClass [AHCharacterBase] IsBaby [bool] Param_DengJi [int] bGuiShu [bool] Num [int] Param_PinZhi [int] Ui [guid] |
Spawn an NPC in front of the current player. See NPCs for more details. | This command is described in detail on the NPCs page. |
InRadius [int] | DANGEROUS Destroy all player owned buildings within the specified radious around the targets building. See Building Transfer for details. |
This command is described in detail on the Building Transfer page. |
Range [float] | Destroy harvestable vegetation with the specified range around the controlled character. Units are centimeters. | gm CuiHuiZhiBei 1000 |
DebugActorLocation |
DebugBaoGuoError |
ClearError [bool] | ||
Enable [int] | Toggle the display of informational text in the top right of the screen. Includes things such as server FPS, character posisiton and more. Pass 1 to show the information or 0 to hide it. | DebugInfo 1 |
DebugNavMesh |
DebugRootMotion |
DebugSelfLocation |
DebugShuXing |
Attr [string] | ||
DebugTargetLocation |
DebugTargetRotation |
Param_Index [int] | DANGEROUS Delete the tribe at the specified 0-based index in the tribe list. |
gm DeleteGuild 2 |
Dj [int] | Set the current character level for the cotnrolled character to the specified level. | gm DengJi 35 |
Print an animal count in the console. It appears to count only player owned animals | gm DongWuCount |
DrawZhouWeiJueSeCapsule |
RangeRadius [int] | ||
DumpTarget |
Seems to open some sort of test UI. Have not found any practical use for it. | Egg |
InPermissionType [int] InEnable [int] |
Enable or disable a server permission list. See Server Permissions for details. | This command is described in detail on the Server Permissions page. |
EndGA |
Starts an immediate save and shutdown of the server. Note: If you run this command without using gm , it will instead shut down the game client.(This is technically a standard Unreal command, but I felt it important enough to include.) |
gm exit |
ExpObj |
NGIndex [int] Lv [int] PinZ [int] |
Locate certain NPCs in the world. See NPCs for more details. | This command is described in detail on the NPCs page. |
NGIndex [int] PinZ [int] |
Locate certain NPCs in the world. See NPCs for more details. | This command is described in detail on the NPCs page. |
Force the current player as the leader of their current tribe. | gm ForceGuildOwner |
Revive the controlled character. This command is broken and will leave your character in a bad state. To fix, you need to reconnect to the server and die again. | Do not use | |
GaiMM |
MiMa [string] | ||
GASDebugShuXing |
NewValue [int] | ||
GASPrintsDebug |
NewValue [int] | ||
NMode [int] | Enable or disable ghost mode. In ghost mode, your character gains an invisibility effect, can fly, and will not collide with anything. The parameter controls whether to enable or disable the mode. 0: Disable ghost mode 1: Enable ghost mode NOTE: While in ghost mode, you move very slowly. You can improve your speed somewhat using gm SetAttr SpeedRate 10 , but it will only increase up to a certain point. Make sure to set speed rate back to 1 afterwards or you will be running very fast once you leave ghost mode. |
gm GhostMode 1 |
Msg [string] | Prefix any command with this in order to run the command as an admin. This also causes the command to run on the server instead of the client. Most commands do not work without this. | |
X [float] Y [float] Z [float] |
Teleport the controlled character to the specified world coordinates. To see your current coordinates, use either ShowDebugInfo orGPS . |
gm Go 15247 -33799 40800 |
Dis [float] Z [float] |
Teleport controlled character forward a specific distance and on top of the highest object at that location. The Z param seems to be ignored. | gm GoF 10000 |
Teleport the controlled character to the nearest sacrifice altar. | gm GoToJiTan |
Print your current coordinates to the console. If you want coordinates that update live, see the DebugInfo command. |
gm GPS |
DLCID [int] | Prints whether a DLC package is owned by the player running the command. Pass the Steam App ID of the DLC to check. This command will actually check any Steam App ID for ownership regardless whether it is a DLC or related to Soulmask. | HasDLC 3336600 |
Param_Index [int] | Force the current player to join the tribe specified by its 0-based index in the tribe list. | gm JiaRuGongHui 2 |
Add a few creatures to the current player’s Hunter gallery, but they seem to be broken or incomplete entries. May trigger achievements. | Recommended do not use | |
Jy [int] | Add the specified amount of experience to the controlled character. | gm JingYan 1000 |
LiuCheng [string] Params1 [int] |
Spawn a captured tribesmen and starts a sacrifice event. Must be standing near an altar to run the command. Rescuing the captive will allow them to join your tribe. The meaning of the parameterss is unclear, but the first one must be one of the following strings: chongzhi, kaishi, zhuabu, zhunbei, jisi, lengque The second parameter is an integer, but I have not figured out what different values mean. |
gm JiTanCeShi zhuabu 1 |
Force the current player to join the tribe of the player they are targeting. | gm JoinGuildFromViewActor |
Unlock all mask nodes for the current player except for nodes that require a higher mask level than the player has reached. | gm JSMJ |
Unlock all technology (recipes) for the current player regardless of available technology points. | gm KeJiShu |
PSW [string] | Grant admin priveleges to the current player if the supplied password matches the admin password for the server. | gm key mypassword |
SteamID [string] | Kicks the player with the specified Steam ID from the game. They may rejoin immediately if they are not banned. | gm KickPlayer 76561100000000000 |
KuaFu |
RemoteServerID [int] ConnectString [string] |
bFenPiSpawnJianZhu [bool] bUseSavedOriginTF [bool] LoadFileName [string] |
Load a building from a file. See Building Transfer for details. | This command is described in detail on the Building Transfer page. |
PinDao [int] FText* [class] Msg |
Send Msg to channel PinDao . Channel is specified by index. Avaialble channels are:0: Global 1: Tribe 2: Nearby 3: Server Channel 3 is a special channel that displays a server message to all connected players. This can be useful when you want players to know for sure the message is from an admin. |
gm LT 3 "This is a message" |
NavMeshDebugLog |
bEnabled [bool] | ||
PingServer |
ServerAddr [string] | ||
Pz [int] | Set the quality level of the currently controlled character (0-5). As quality increases, various character stats get greater boosts. | gm PinZhi 5 |
Value [int] TimeOfDuration [int] |
Override the current weather across the entire map for a short time. Once the time expires, weather control returns to the regional weather system.Value 0: Sunny 1: Rain Storm 2: Thunderstorm 3: Dense Fog 4: Light Rain 5: Snow Storm 6: Strong Wind TimeOfDuration How long the weather will last, in minutes. Capped at 10 minutes. |
gm PrayWeather 3 10 |
Q |
PropNameList [string] | ||
QieHuanJianZhuDebugMode |
Attr [string] | Print the current value of the specified attribute for the contolled character. See Attributes for more information. | This command is described in detail on the Attributes page. |
QueryBlocker |
QueryCount [int] | ||
QueryKongZhi |
QueryNieLian |
Print the name of the character currently selected by the Select command to the console. |
gm QuerySelect |
QueryStreamingLevelState |
Print the current temperature to the console. | gm QueryWenDu |
QueryZNpc |
ReadUserFile |
Filename [string] | ||
Print a full list of physics actors to the server log. Server will freeze for a few seconds during this operation. | gm QueryDynamicPhysicsActors |
Unlock all weapon masteries for the target character, up to their maximum proficiency levels. Proficiency levels are not increased by this command, but the masteries are usable. | gm RefreshZJ |
GAName [string] | Remove the specified gameplay ability from the controlled character. | |
GEName [string] | Remove the specified gameplay effect from the controlled character. | |
NGId [int] bGood [bool] |
Remove the specified natural gift from the selected character. See Natural Gifts for details. | This command is described in detail on the Natural Gifts page. |
InPermissionType [int] InSteamID [string] |
Remove an entry from a server permission list. See Server Permissions for details. | This command is described in detail on the Server Permissions page. |
GEName [string] | Remove the specified gameplay effect from the targeted character. | |
ResetGongHuiServerID |
ResetMuBiaoGAS |
Seems to reset some mechanical NPCs. More testing needed. | ||
ResetOneBelowAnimal |
ResetOneFrontNpc |
ResetPlayerGongHuiServer |
RigidBodySleep |
InVal [bool] | ||
SaijiChuli |
SaiManZhuJuan |
XingBie [int] ShuLiang [int] FaYuZhi [int] |
SaveBinaries |
SavedFileName [string] | Save buildings within the specified radius to a file. See Building Transfer for details. | This command is described in detail on the Building Transfer page. |
Select target character for commands that affect the "selected character". Repeat the command while targeting a different character to change selection, or use the ClearSelect command to clear selection. |
gm Select |
StrTime [string] | Sets the current time of day on the server in the format HH:mm. | gm Set24hTime 13:45 |
Attr [string], Val [float] | Set the value of an attribute on the controlled character. See Attributes for more information. | This command is described in detail on the Attributes page. |
Scale [float] Pang [float] Shou [float] |
DANGEROUS Change values of the target character’s model. Changes are not fully visible until reload or taking control of the affected character. Some values can cause issues such as invisible or heavily disfigured bodies. No known way to restore the model to its previous state other than a save rollback. Params need more testing. |
Recommended not to use |
SetDebugTarget |
IsShow [float] | Set whether your palyer mask is visible. Similiar to the option in the game settings, but the value is not synced. 0: Mask invisible 1: Mask visible |
gm SetHidePlayerMask 0 |
ToFileRadius [int] | Set the radius used for the SaveJianZhuToFile command. See Building Transfer for details. |
This command is described in detail on the Building Transfer page. |
SetJinZhiZhuanXiangFPS |
ServerFrame [int] | ||
SetRepeatMsgTimes |
RepeatMsgTimes [int] | Set a variable that appears to have something to do with gameplay abilities or effects, but the effect of this variable is not known. | |
SetShowGuiShuJianZhu Set show building attributes |
bShow [bool] SteamID [string] |
LeiXing [int] CurVal [int] MaxVal [int] |
Set the current and maximum level for a proficiency on the target character. See Character Proficiencies for details. | This command is described in detail on the Character Proficiencies page. |
EventId [int] Value [int] |
Enables or disables a special event. While enabled, the special event will start the next time it is triggered by its specific game conditions. Once the event has started, it will not start again until either the command is used again, or the regional time window for that special event begins. Known Event IDs:
gm SetSpecialEventOpenOrClose 101 1 |
LiXianTime [float] ShengXiaoTime [float] |
If a tribe leader is offline for the specified amount of time, a tribe noble or priest may start an impeachment. If the tribe leader remains offline for a specified amount of time after the impeachment has been initiated, the person who initiated it will become the new tribe leader. LiXianTime: The number of days before an impeachment can be started ShengXiaoTime: The number of seconds for an impeachment to go into effect |
SetTanHeHuiZhangTime 14 86400 |
SetTargetKongZhiCeShi |
Value [float] | Mess with time of day in a way that I do not understand. | gm SetTimeOffset 0.5 |
Value [float] | Change the speed at which time of day passes. This is the same as setting the coefficient “Time Speed Multiplier” in the server settings. | gm SetTimePower 24 |
SetZhaoMuModify |
InCan [int] | ||
DANGEROUS Delete the account of the current player. Next time they join the server, they will be sent to character creation. May also delete player’s tribe if they are the leader or sole member. |
gm ShanHao |
ShowBaoXiangData |
ShowAll [bool] OnlyOpen [bool] |
Msg [string] | Display some character state debug information on screen. Msg parameter seems to be ignored. Run command again to hide the display. | ShowCI "" |
ShowComp |
ShowFuShe |
Print the names of the controlled character’s active gameplay abilities in the console. | ||
Print the names of the controlled character’s active gameplay effects in the console. | ||
ShowHandles |
bSelf [bool] | Print infomation about a player. 0: Information about the targeted player 1: Information about the current player |
gm ShowInfo 1 |
If run on server or using “gm”, print the count of building pieces on the map to the console. If run on client without “gm”, print the count of building pieces loaded for that client to the console. Seems to include player and non-player buildings. |
gm ShowJianZhuTotalNumber |
Unlock/explore the entire map for the current player. May trigger achievements. | gm ShowMap |
ShowMubiaoFuShe |
Print the names of the target character's gameplay abilities to the console. | ||
Print the names of the target character's gameplay effects to the console. | ||
ShowMyCollision |
ShowObjectCount |
Cls [string] | ||
Print information related to barbarian invasion fever. | gm ShowReDu |
Print information about server permission lists to the console. See Server Permissions for details. | This command is described in detail on the Server Permissions page. | |
Prints the total comfort value affecting the controlled character. | gm ShowShuShiValue |
Print the names of gameplay tags assigned to the controlled character. | ||
ShowTargetGA |
ShowTargetGE |
FilterName [string] | Print the locations of all bonfires (not sure if global or tribe only) to the console. | gm ShowYingHuoLocation |
ShowYouHua |
Seems to always print “number of components 0” | ||
ShowZhanHengCount |
ShowZuRenAIInfo |
Range [float] | Respawn harvestable resources within a specified radius around the controlled character. | gm ShuaXinZhiBei |
InVal [bool] | DANGEROUS Enable or disable physics collisions for the entire server. 0: Enable (normal operation) 1: Disable - All physics objects will fall through the world. |
Do not use |
ProfType [int] InDengJi [int] |
Set the level of the specified proficiency for the controlled character. See Character Proficiencies for details. | This command is described in detail on the Character Proficiencies page. |
InDengJi [int] | Set the level of all proficiencies for the controlled character. See Character Proficiencies for details. | This command is described in detail on the Character Proficiencies page. |
ProfType [int] InJingYan [int] |
Add expereince to the specified proficiency for the controlled character. See Character Proficiencies for details. | This command is described in detail on the Character Proficiencies page. |
Print the status of a few specific attributes of the controlled character to the console. | ||
Take ownership of the targeted animal | ||
TestGA |
TestMove |
Toggle on-screen display of some build information. | ||
Toggle on-screen display of some debug information. | ||
ToggleOnlineFriends |
DANGEROUS Transfer ownership of all player built structures on the server to the current player. |
gm TouQuAllJianZhues |
Transfer ownership of the targeted building to the current player. | gm TouQuViewJianZhu |
Unlock all mask nodes for the controlled character, including ones you are not high enough level to unlock. | gm UnLockAllMaskAndNodes |
UnLockAllMaskAndParts |
IsWeishui [bool] | Allows you to focus your camera on another player in the world. This allows remote and covert monitoring of a specific player. Useful if you suspect someone may be cheating or breaking rules. Pass 1 as the parameter to open an overlay listing all players connected to the server. Click on the player you want to monitor. When you want to return to your own character, run the command again, passing 0. |
gm WeiSui 1 |
WriteUserFile |
Filename [string] FileContent [string] |
Reset the controlled character's stats and refund spent points. | gm XiDian |
Toggle whether the current player prevents nearby actors from hibernating. | gm XiuMian |
YiChuViewRongQiMiMa |
InYinBi [int] | Set the base value for how "hidden" your character is from enemy vision. This affects how far away you can be seen. Higher numbers = more hidden. Values need to be in the hundreds or more to have a significant impact. Default is 0. You can check your current value with the command gm Query YinBiValue . |
gm YinBi 500 |
YingWuStop |
Toggle whether the current player is targetable by enemy AI. While invisible, enemies will not fight back even if you attack them. | gm YinShen |
Instantly recruit the target human NPC into your clan. | gm ZhaoMu |
ZhenShe |
Instantly deter the target human NPC (knock them out). | gm ZhauBu |
Other Abilities
The following table describes admin abilities that are activated by means other than console commands.
Ability | How to Activate | Description |
Spawn items | From GM menu (gm key) | Select a player from the list. Optionally enter quality and quantity values below the item list. Click an item to give the selected player the item(s). |
Spawn NPCs | From GM menu (gm key) | Select a player from the list. Optionally enter level, quality and quantity values below the creature list. Click an NPC to spawn them at the location of the selected player. |
Free camera | Press the / key on the numpad | Allows you to leave your character and fly around. Press again to return to your character. |
Map teleport | Ctrl+Right mouse click on map | Instantly teleport your character to the location on the map that was clicked. |
Teleport to/from another player | From GM menu (gm key) | Each player in the player list has buttons you can click to teleport to them or teleport them to you. If you do not see the buttons, close and reopen the gm menu. |