Soulmask NPC Classes

This page describes how to spawn NPCs and provides a list of available NPC classes.

Spawning NPCs

The simplest way to spawn items is by using the server admin menu. Information on how to access this menu can be found in the Gameplay Settings Guide under "How to Change Settings" 🠊 "Dedicated Server".

Another way to spawn items is by using the CreateSWByClass console command. This command will spawn an NPC in front of the controlled character.

CreateSWByClass SWClass[AHCharacterBase] isBaby[bool] Param_DengJi[int] bGuiShu[bool] Num[int] Param_PinZhi[int] Uid [guid]

Target: controlled character (self)

The parameters for the command are as follows:

  • SWClass: The name of the NPC class. See the tables below for class names.
  • isBaby: Whether to spawn as a baby
    • 0: The spawned NPC will be an adult
    • 1: The spawned NPC will be a baby if there is a baby version of the NPC available.
  • Param_DengJi: The level of the spawned NPC.
  • bGuiShu: Ownership
    • 0: The spawned NPC will be unowned (wild)
    • 1: The NPC will be owned by the current player.
  • Num: The number of copies of the NPC to spawn.
  • Param_PinZhi: The spawned NPC quality rating (0-5).
  • Uid: Always 32 zeroes.

Example command usage. The following will spawn one adult level 10 quality Quality 0 wild Tapir.

gm CreateSWByClass BP_DongWu_Mo_C 0 10 0 1 0 00000000000000000000000000000000

Note: Spawning humans with CreateSWByClass does not give them all the properties that they would have if they spawned naturally. They will be missing things like natural gifts.

CreateSpecifiedMan CreateNo[int] Sex[int]

Spawn a preconfigured tribesman as a member of the current player’s clan.

  • CreateNo: The NPC number to spawn. See Specified Man List below for options.
  • Sex: The gender of the spawned tribesman.
    • 0: Male
    • 1: Female

Example command usage. The following will spawn a preconfigured female "Claw Tribe Barbarian".

gm CreateSpecifiedMan 2 1

NPC Locator Commands

Commands related to locating NPCs in the world.

NOTE: Markers added by these commands will remain on the map until the player manually removes them.

NOTE: Most of the time, you will be unable to mark all instances of an NPC class due to reaching the limit of how many map markers you are able to have at one time.

ChaZhaoSCGWeiZhi SWClass[AHCharacterBase]

Target: current player (self)

Finds all wild NPCs of the specified class in the world and marks them on the current player’s map.

  • SWClass: The name of the NPC class. See the tables below for class names.

Example command usage. The following locates all boars on the map.

gm ChaZhaoSCGWeiZhi BP_DongWu_YeZhu_C

FindSCGLoc NGIndex[int] PinZ[int]

Target: current player (self)

Finds all wild NPCs which have the specified natural gift and the specified quality or higher and marks them on the current player's map.

  • NGIndex: The ID of the natural gift to search for. See Natural Gifts for available IDs.
  • PinZ: The minimum quality NPC to search for.

Example command usage. The following locates all NPCs with the "Swift Pace 3" gift who are at least quality Quality 4.

gm FindSCGLoc 100013 4

Find120 NGIndex[int] Lv[int] PinZ[int]

Target: current player (self)

Very similar to FindSCGLoc but with an extra parameter.

  • NGIndex: The ID of the natural gift to search for. See Natural Gifts for available IDs.
  • Lv: Unknown (see note below)
  • PinZ: The minimum quality NPC to search for.

NOTE: This command used to find NPCs with a 120 or better profession. However, once the Lv parameter was added in a game update, it seemingly stopped working properly. Passing 0 for the parameter causes the game to mark all wild humans regardless of natural gift or quality. Passing anything other than 0 seems to never mark anything at all. More research is needed to understand how the command works after the change.

Example command usage.

gm Find120 100013 0 4

Specified Man List

The following table details each of the options for the CreateSpecifiedMan command, explained above.

NOTE: The listed proficiencies and gifts are guaranteed. All others are randomized each time the command is used.

Num Name Quality Tribe Status Proficiencies Natural Gifts Gender Level
0 Flint Tribe Barbarian Quality 5 Master Armor Crafting: 99/120 [160713] Refined Armor III: [Flint Exclusive] Skilled in crafting. Probability of forging high-quality armor +10%. 46-50
1 Flint Tribe Barbarian Quality 5 Master Weapon Crafting: 90/120 [160723] Weapon Enhancement III: [Flint Exclusive] Artisanal forging. Probability of producing high-quality weapons +10%. 46-50
2 Claw Tribe Barbarian Quality 5 Master Spear: 90/120
Dual-blade: 91/122
Blade: 90/121
[600011] Weapon Master III: Proficient in a variety of weapons, DMG dealt with any weapon +10%, Attack Speed +10%. 46-50
3 Claw Tribe Barbarian Quality 5 Master Hammer: 90/120
Great Sword: 90/122
[600011] Weapon Master III: Proficient in a variety of weapons, DMG dealt with any weapon +10%, Attack Speed +10%. 46-50
4 Flint Tribe Barbarian Quality 5 Master 11-20
5 Fang Tribe Barbarian Quality 5 Master 31-40
6 Claw Tribe Barbarian Quality 5 Master 46-50

NPC List

The following tables list all known NPC types and their associated classes.


Name Class
Alligator (Ruins) BP_DongWu_EYu_YiJi_C
Almighty Vajra Ape BP_Boss_JuYuan_C
Alpaca BP_DongWu_YangTuo_C
Alpaca BP_DongWu_YangTuo_Special_C
Alpaca Mount BP_DongWu_YangTuo_EnemyMount_C
Anaconda BP_DongWu_SenRan_C
Arctic Wolf BP_DongWu_XueLang_C
Arctic Wolf (Ruins) BP_DongWu_XueLang_YiJi_C
Armadillo BP_DongWu_QiuYu_C
Armadillo Lizard BP_DongWu_QiuYuXi_C
Arrow-poison Frog BP_DongWu_JianDuWa_C
Bat BP_DongWu_BianFu_C
Bear BP_DongWu_Xiong_C
Bear (Ruins) BP_DongWu_Xiong_YiJi_C
Berserk Fogfrog BP_Boss_MGW_PT_C
Berserk Mammoth BP_Boss_MMX_PT_C
Berserk Saber-toothed Predator BP_Boss_JianChiHu_PT_C
Berserk Tempest Griffin BP_Boss_JiNiao_PT_C
Berserk Vajra Ape BP_Boss_JuYuan_PT_C
Bison BP_DongWu_YeNiu_C
Boar BP_DongWu_YeZhu_C
Brown Bear BP_DongWu_ZongXiong_C
Bush Dog BP_DongWu_SouQuan_C
Bush Dog BP_DongWu_SouQuan_YiJi_C
Capybara BP_DongWu_ShuiTun_C
Catfish BP_DongWu_CatFish_C
Centipede BP_DongWu_WuGong_C
Cichlid BP_DongWu_NimbochromisFish_C
Coconut Crab BP_DongWu_HaiGuai_C
Electric Eel BP_DongWu_DianMan_C
Elite Alligator BP_DongWu_EYu_JingYing_C
Elite Anaconda BP_DongWu_SenRan_JY_C
Elite Arctic Wolf BP_DongWu_XueLang_JY_C
Elite Armadillo Lizard BP_DongWu_QiuYuXi_JY_C
Elite Arrow-poison Frog BP_DongWu_JianDuWa_JY_C
Elite Bat BP_DongWu_BianFu_JY_C
Elite Bear BP_DongWu_Xiong_JingYing_C
Elite Bison BP_DongWu_YeNiu_JY_C
Elite Boar BP_DongWu_YeZhu_JY_C
Elite Brown Bear BP_DongWu_ZongXiong_JY_C
Elite Bush Dog BP_DongWu_SouQuan_JY_C
Elite Giant Elephant BP_DongWu_DaXiang_JY_C
Elite Horned Eagle BP_DongWu_JiaoDiao_JY_C
Elite Jaguar BP_DongWu_BaoZi_JY_C
Elite Mammoth BP_DongWu_MengMaXiang_JY_C
Elite Monitor Lizard BP_DongWu_JuXi_JY_C
Elite Mutant Rat BP_DongWu_LaoShu_JY_C
Elite Scorpion BP_DongWu_XieZi_JY_C
Elite Snow Leopard BP_DongWu_XueBao_JY_C
Elite Spider BP_DongWu_ZhiZhu_JY_C
Elite Tortoise BP_DongWu_XiangGui_JY_C
Elite Vulture BP_DongWu_TuJiu_JY_C
Elite Wasteland Wolf BP_DongWu_HuangLang_JY_C
Elite Wild Lion BP_DongWu_ShiZi_JY_C
Elite Wolf BP_DongWu_Lang_JingYing_C
Female Panther BP_DongWu_BaoZi_Mu_C
Female Snow Leopard BP_DongWu_XueBao_Mu_C
Fierce Saber-toothed Predator BP_Boss_JianChiHu_C
Fogfrog of Doom BP_Boss_MGW_KN_C
Forest Bunny BP_DongWu_SenLinTu_C
Giant Alligator BP_DongWu_EYu_C
Giant Elephant BP_DongWu_DaXiang_C
Giant Elephant Mount BP_DaXiang_EnemyMount_C
Horned Eagle BP_DongWu_JiaoDiao_C
Horned Eagle Egg BP_DongWu_JiaoDiao_Egg_C
Iracoterio BP_DongWu_Ma_C
Jaguar BP_DongWu_BaoZi_BuLuo_C
Jaguar BP_DongWu_BaoZi_C
Jaguar Mount BP_DongWu_BaoZi_EnemyMount_C
Koi BP_DongWu_KoiFish_C
Large Boar BP_DongWu_YeZhu_YiJi_C
Llama BP_DongWu_DaYangTuo_C
Llama Mount BP_DongWu_DaYangTuo_EnemyMount_C
Mammoth BP_DongWu_MengMaXiang_C
Mammoth of Doom BP_Boss_MMX_KN_C
Marmot BP_DongWu_HanTa_C
Monitor Lizard BP_DongWu_JuXi_C
Monitor Lizard (Ruins) BP_DongWu_JuXi_YiJi_C
Monkey BP_DongWu_HouZi_C
Moose BP_DongWu_TuoLu_C
Moose Mount BP_DongWu_TuoLu_EnemyMount_C
Mutant Rat BP_DongWu_LaoShu_C
Ostrich BP_DongWu_TuoNiao_C
Ostrich BP_DongWu_TuoNiao_ZhuDong_C
Ostrich Egg BP_DongWu_TuoNiao_Egg_C
Ostrich Mount BP_DongWu_TuoNiao_EnemyMount_C
Peacock Bass BP_DongWu_PeacockBassFish_C
Piranha BP_DongWu_Yu_C
Poison Fogfrog BP_Boss_MGW_C
Pronghorn BP_DongWu_ChaJiaoLin_C
Saber-toothed Predator of Doom BP_Boss_JianChiHu_KN_C
Scarlet Macaw BP_DongWu_YingWu_C
Scorpion BP_DongWu_XieZi_C
Scorpion BP_DongWu_XieZi_Xiao_C
Sky-shading Tempest Griffin BP_Boss_JiNiao_C
Snow Leopard BP_DongWu_XueBao_C
Snow Leopard (Ruins) BP_DongWu_XueBao_YiJi_C
Snow Leopard Mount BP_DongWu_XueBao_EnemyMount_C
Spider BP_DongWu_ZhiZhu_C
Tapir BP_DongWu_Mo_C
Tapir (Insane) BP_DongWu_Mo_ZhuDong_C
Tempest Griffin of Doom BP_Boss_JiNiao_KN_C
Titan Mammoth BP_Boss_MMX_C
Tortoise BP_DongWu_XiangGui_C
Tortoise Egg BP_DongWu_XiangGui_Egg_C
Turkey BP_DongWu_HuoJi_C
Vajra Ape of Doom BP_Boss_JuYuan_KN_C
Vulture BP_DongWu_TuJiu_C
Wasteland Wolf BP_DongWu_HuangLang_C
Wasteland Wolf (Ruins) BP_DongWu_HuangLang_YiJi_C
White-Tailed Deer BP_DongWu_MuLu_C
White-Tailed Deer BP_DongWu_XiongLu_C
Wild Lion BP_DongWu_ShiZi_C
Wolf BP_DongWu_Lang_C
Wolf (Ruins) BP_DongWu_Lang_YiJi_C


Name Class
Central Core BP_JiXie_Base_C
Central Core BP_JiXie_Boss_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmL_Battlefield_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmL_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmL_DiXiaCheng_40_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmL_DiXiaCheng_50_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmL_DiXiaCheng_60_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmR_Battlefield_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmR_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmR_DiXiaCheng_40_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmR_DiXiaCheng_50_C
Hanging Arm BP_JiXie_Boss02ArmR_DiXiaCheng_60_C
Mechanical Core D BP_JiXie_HuiMie_PT_Dian_C
Mechanical Core D BP_JiXie_HuiMie_PT_Dian_ShengYiJi_C
Mechanical Core E BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_Dian_C
Mechanical Core E BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_Dian_ShengYiJi_C
Mechanical Core I BP_JiXie_HuiMie_Call_C
Mechanical Core I BP_JiXie_HuiMie_PT_Battlefield_C
Mechanical Core I BP_JiXie_HuiMie_PT_C
Mechanical Core I BP_JiXie_HuiMie_PT_ShengYiJi_C
Mechanical Core II BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_Battlefield_C
Mechanical Core II BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_C
Mechanical Core II BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_DiXiaCheng_40_C
Mechanical Core II BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_DiXiaCheng_50_C
Mechanical Core II BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_DiXiaCheng_60_C
Mechanical Core II BP_JiXie_HuiMie_JY_ShengYiJi_C
Mechanical Core X BP_JiXie_HuiMie_40_C
Mechanical Core X BP_JiXie_HuiMie_60_C
Mechanical Core X BP_JiXie_HuiMie_Battlefield_C
Mechanical Core X BP_JiXie_HuiMie_C
Mechanical Core X BP_JiXie_HuiMie_DiXiaCheng_40_C
Mechanical Core X BP_JiXie_HuiMie_DiXiaCheng_50_C
Mechanical Core X BP_JiXie_HuiMie_DiXiaCheng_60_C
Mechanical Core Y BP_JiXie_HuiMie_Dian_55_C
Mechanical Core Y BP_JiXie_HuiMie_Dian_60_C
Mechanical Core Y BP_JiXie_HuiMie_Dian_C
Mechanical Core-Malfunction BP_JiXie_HuiMie_PT_Battlefield_Damaged_C
Mechanical Core-Malfunction BP_JiXie_HuiMie_PT_Damaged_C
Slayer - Blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Dao_Battlefield_C
Slayer - Blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Dao_C
Slayer - Blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Dao_Call_C
Slayer - Blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Dao_DiXiaCheng_C
Slayer - Blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Dao_ShengYiJi_C
Slayer - Dual-blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_ShuangDao_Battlefield_C
Slayer - Dual-blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_ShuangDao_C
Slayer - Dual-blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_ShuangDao_Call_C
Slayer - Dual-blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_ShuangDao_DiXiaCheng_C
Slayer - Dual-blade BP_JiXie_ShouWei_ShuangDao_ShengYiJi_C
Slayer - Great Sword BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaJian_Battlefield_C
Slayer - Great Sword BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaJian_C
Slayer - Great Sword BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaJian_Call_C
Slayer - Great Sword BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaJian_DiXiaCheng_C
Slayer - Great Sword BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaJian_ShengYiJi_C
Slayer - Hammer BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaChui_Battlefield_C
Slayer - Hammer BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaChui_C
Slayer - Hammer BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaChui_Call_C
Slayer - Hammer BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaChui_DiXiaCheng_C
Slayer - Hammer BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DaChui_ShengYiJi_C
Slayer - Shield & Spear BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Mao_Battlefield_C
Slayer - Shield & Spear BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Mao_C
Slayer - Shield & Spear BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Mao_Call_C
Slayer - Shield & Spear BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Mao_DiXiaCheng_C
Slayer - Shield & Spear BP_JiXie_ShouWei_Mao_ShengYiJi_C
Slayer S BP_JiXie_ShouWei_JY_Battlefield_C
Slayer S BP_JiXie_ShouWei_JY_C
Slayer S BP_JiXie_ShouWei_JY_DiXiaCheng_40_C
Slayer S BP_JiXie_ShouWei_JY_DiXiaCheng_50_C
Slayer S BP_JiXie_ShouWei_JY_DiXiaCheng_60_C
Slayer S BP_JiXie_ShouWei_JY_ShengYiJi_C
Slayer S-Malfunction BP_JiXie_ShouWei_JY_Battlefield_Damaged_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_35_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_45_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_55_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_BuLuo_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DiXiaCheng_40_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DiXiaCheng_50_C
Slayer X BP_JiXie_ShouWei_DiXiaCheng_60_C
Slayer-Malfunction BP_JiXie_ShouWei_PT_Battlefield_Damaged_C
Slayer-Malfunction BP_JiXie_ShouWei_PT_Damaged_C
Terminator BP_JiXie_BOSS02_Battlefield_C
Terminator BP_JiXie_BOSS02_C
Terminator BP_JiXie_BOSS02_DiXiaCheng_40_C
Terminator BP_JiXie_BOSS02_DiXiaCheng_50_C
Terminator BP_JiXie_BOSS02_DiXiaCheng_60_C


Note: Not all human classes are valid for spawning with a command.

Name Class
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena_female_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena0_1_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena0_3_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena1_1_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena1_3_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena3_1_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena3_2_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena3_3_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Arena4_2_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Base_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Boss_Base_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_CeShi_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_JingYing_Base_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Nv_Base_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Nv_Boss_Base_C
Barbarian BP_BuLuo_Nv_JingYing_Base_C
Barbarian BP_Login_PlayerMan_C
Barbarian BP_Login_PlayerWoman_C
Barbarian BP_Player_BuLuo_C
Barbarian BP_PlayerBase_C
Barbarian BP_PlayerWomenBase_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_Event_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_Nv_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_Nv_Event_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_UnTamed_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_UnTamed_Nv_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_Intrusion_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_Nv_Intrusion_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_Ranger_Intrusion_C
Barbarian BP_SuiJi_Ranger_Nv_Intrusion_C
Barbarian Priest BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_UnTamed_Boss_C
Barbarian Priest BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_C
Barbarian Priest BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_Child_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_001_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_002_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_003_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_004_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_005_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_006_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_007_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_008_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_009_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_010_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_011_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_012_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_013_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_014_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_015_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_016_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_017_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_018_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_019_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_020_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_021_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_022_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_023_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_024_C
Barbarian Scout BP_ChiHou_025_C
Barbarian Scout Invader BP_SuiJi_Scout_Intrusion_C
Barbarian Scout Invader BP_SuiJi_Scout_Nv_Intrusion_C
Barbarian Warrior BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_UnTamed_JingYing_C
Barbarian Warrior BP_SuiJi_BuLuo_UnTamed_Nv_JingYing_C
Barbarian Warrior BP_SuiJi_DaBuLuo_UnTamed_JingYing_C
Barbarian Warrior BP_SuiJi_DaBuLuo_UnTamed_Nv_JingYing_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Bloodletter BP_YeMan_ZhongBuLuo_JuMuLin_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Bloodletter BP_YeMan_ZhongBuLuo_JuMuLin_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_Challenge_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Dark Forest Butcher BP_YeMan_DaBuLuo_HeiSenLin_UnTamed_Boss_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Dark Forest Butcher BP_YeMan_DaBuLuo_HeiSenLin_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Rock Breaker BP_YeMan_ZhongBuLuo_BeiBuYuLin_UnTamed_Boss_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Rock Breaker BP_YeMan_ZhongBuLuo_BeiBuYuLin_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Slayer BP_YeMan_ZhongBuLuo_KuHuangYuanYe_UnTamed_Boss_C
Claw Tribe Leader - Slayer BP_YeMan_ZhongBuLuo_KuHuangYuanYe_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Claw Tribe War God BP_SuiJi_DaBuLuo_UnTamed_Nv_ZhanShen_C
Claw Tribe War God BP_SuiJi_DaBuLuo_UnTamed_Nv_ZhanShen_Challenge_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Alpine Poison King BP_ShenMi_ZhongBuLuo_GaoHanDi_UnTamed_Boss_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Alpine Poison King BP_ShenMi_ZhongBuLuo_GaoHanDi_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Blood Drinker BP_ShenMi_ZhongBuLuo_KengDongQiuLin_UnTamed_Boss_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Blood Drinker BP_ShenMi_ZhongBuLuo_KengDongQiuLin_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Snake Heart BP_ShenMi_ZhongBuLuo_PingDingShan_UnTamed_Boss_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Snake Heart BP_ShenMi_ZhongBuLuo_PingDingShan_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Venom BP_ShenMi_DaBuLuo_NanBuHuangYuan_UnTamed_Boss_C
Fang Tribe Leader - Venom BP_ShenMi_DaBuLuo_NanBuHuangYuan_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Fang Tribe War God BP_SuiJi_DaBuLuo_UnTamed_ZhanShen_C
Fang Tribe War God BP_SuiJi_DaBuLuo_UnTamed_ZhanShen_Challenge_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Astrologer BP_ZhiHui_DaBuLuo_HuAnSenLin_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Astrologer BP_ZhiHui_DaBuLuo_HuAnSenLin_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_Challenge_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Frostleaf Guardian BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_HanYeLin_UnTamed_Boss_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Frostleaf Guardian BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_HanYeLin_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Hardbone BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_DaCaoYuan_UnTamed_Boss_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Hardbone BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_DaCaoYuan_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Observer BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_HongShuLin_UnTamed_Boss_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Observer BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_HongShuLin_UnTamed_Boss_Challenge_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Retroreflector BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_XiBuYuLin_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_C
Flint Tribe Leader - Retroreflector BP_ZhiHui_ZhongBuLuo_XiBuYuLin_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_Challenge_C
Hero BP_HeroPlayer_C
Hero BP_WordEditPlayer_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena_male_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena0_2_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena1_2_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena2_1_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena2_2_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena2_3_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena4_1_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_Arena4_3_C
Jungle Warrior Otterley BP_BuLuo_ArenaNoname_C
Outcast BP_SuiJi_YiJi_XiaoBing_C
Outcast BP_SuiJi_YiJi_XiaoBing_Nv_C
Outcast Leader BP_SuiJi_YiJi_Boss_C
Outcast Leader BP_SuiJi_YiJi_JingYing_C
Outcast Leader BP_SuiJi_YiJi_JingYing_Nv_C
Plunderer BP_Robber_Battlefield_C
Plunderer BP_Robber_Battlefield_Nv_C
Plunderer BP_Robber_Intrusion_C
Plunderer BP_Robber_Intrusion_Nv_C
Plunderer BP_Robber_Ranger_Intrusion_C
Plunderer BP_Robber_Ranger_Intrusion_Nv_C
Plunderer BP_XieDuZhe_BuLuoRuQin_C
Plunderer BP_XieDuZhe_BuLuoRuQin_Nv_C
Plunderer BP_XieDuZhe_C
Plunderer BP_XieDuZhe_HuWei_C
Plunderer BP_XieDuZhe_Nv_C
Plunderer BP_XieDuZhe_Nv_HuWei_C
Plunderer Elite BP_Robber_Battlefield_Elite_C
Plunderer Elite BP_Robber_Battlefield_Nv_Elite_C
Plunderer Elite BP_XieDuZhe_Elite_C
Plunderer Elite BP_XieDuZhe_Elite_Nv_C
Plunderer Leader - Black Heart BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_2_C
Plunderer Leader - Black Heart BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_2_Challenge_C
Plunderer Leader - Conquerer BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_Mask2_C
Plunderer Leader - Ember BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_C
Plunderer Leader - Orderkeeper BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_Mask1_C
Plunderer Leader - Orderkeeper BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_Mask1_Challenge_C
Plunderer Leader - Sweeper BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_Mask3_C
Plunderer Scout BP_ChiHou_026_C
Plunderer Scout Invader BP_Robber_Scout_Intrusion_C
Plunderer Scout Invader BP_Robber_Scout_Intrusion_Nv_C
Plunderer Shadow King - Shadowblade BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_Shadow_Challenge_C
Plunderer Shadow King - Shadowblade BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_ShadowKiller_C
Plunderer Snow Mountain King - Heart Devourer BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_WangZhe_C
Plunderer Snow Mountain King - Heart Devourer BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_WangZhe_Challenge_C
Plunderer Snow Mountain King - Slaughterer BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_ZhanShen_C
Plunderer Snow Mountain King - Slaughterer BP_XieDuZhe_Boss_ZhanShen_Challenge_C
Savage Fighter BP_Robber_Intrusion_Boss_C
Savage Fighter BP_Robber_Intrusion_Nv_Boss_C
Savage Fighter BP_SuiJi_Intrusion_UnTamed_Boss_C
Savage Fighter BP_SuiJi_Intrusion_UnTamed_Nv_Boss_C
Savage Warrior BP_Robber_Intrusion_Elite_C
Savage Warrior BP_SuiJi_Intrusion_UnTamed_JingYing_C
Savage Warrior BP_SuiJi_Intrusion_UnTamed_Nv_JingYing_C