This site contains a number of guides, technical guides and reference materials for the game Soulmask. Most of the information is related to dedicated server administration.

Interactive Map

An interactive map of the game world showing various data mined locations.

Server Status

The current status of official Soulmask game servers.

Dedicated Server Guide

A guide to setting up, configuring and running a self-hosted dedicated server. Includes example scripts, command line configuration parameters and much more.

Also, here is a tool for querying your server.

Gameplay Settings Guide

A guide for how to configure gameplay settings. For a list of all gameplay settings with descriptions, see the following.

Console Commands

A list of admin console commands and related information.

This page also links to a number of other pages containing information related to some of the commands.

Remote Console Commands

A list of commands that can be run from a remote console client - RCON or Telnet.


Tracks significant changes to this website as well as changes made to the game related to the data gathered for the site.


If you are experiencing issues with the site or want to provide feedback, the best way to reach me is by joining the Official Soulmask Discord and pinging me (@sarasereniy) in one of the channels there. Do not send a friend request or a direct message - it will be ignored.